Cahaba Springs members and friends, March 8 is Blue T-shirt Sunday, officially recognizing Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. Our logo is on the front and the shirts, $15 regardless of size are made of high quality cotton. We've made an advance order and the shirts are available March 1. Place your order on Feb 23 or March 1 while at church or call the church office. Don’t delay, order your T-shirt today. Our customary Wednesday activities include dinner at 5:30, Bible study at 6, and choir at 7. Thursdays Together meets 10–11:30 and Chordmakers meets on Friday at 5:30. Finally, mark your calendars today for Ash Wednesday, February 26 when this month’s discussion led by Leigh Stovall will be on The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. Our ASH Wednesday observance follows at 6.
But first, join us this Transfiguration Sunday for Bible study at 9:30 and worship at 11 led by liturgist James D. McLeod and our own Carl Martin. Mr. Martin's sermon title is "The Glory That Transforms," based on Exodus 24 and Matthew 16. Our Chancel Choir offers the anthem, Open My Eyes, Let Me See.
Visit our web site for additional worship, study, fellowship, and service opportunities. The peace of Christ be with you.