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Session Highlights (Feb. 2019)

Highlights of Session Meeting

February 26, 2019

6:30 PM

The meeting was moderated by Rev. Jamie McLeod. 9 elders were in attendance. Carl Martin attended as a guest.

A review of 2018 financial activity will be started as soon as a congregational member has been found to work with Joan Creighton and Janet Prevatt and our bookkeeper.

January financials showed that expenses exceeded revenue by $10,620.

The Adult Sunday School class will begin studying “Resurrection, Living as a people of the Risen Lord” on March 3. Leigh Stovall will lead the discussion.

Ash Wednesday services will be held on March 6 at 6:30pm

Mayor Buddy Choat has accepted an invitation to speak about the planned changes to the city of Trussville on Wednesday April 10. The community will be invited.

Our pastor will be preaching on April 17 during Holy Week at Trussville United Methodist Church. Our church will be assisting with lunch preparation.

There will be a Maundy Thursday Service on April 18 which will include a Seder meal.

There will be a Good Friday reflective service on April 19.

Your session agreed to begin gathering information about the cost of a digital sign that would be clearly visible from the street. We also will look at methods of fund-raising to pay for the sign. The session has been challenged to make a personal pledge to start the campaign.

The Blessing of the Animals has been changed to June. We are just too busy in April.

We will be recognizing Earth Day on April 27. The plans are in progress and this will be a great community outreach.

We will collecting ground coffee in cans for Three Hots and a Cot for the 5th Sunday in March.

Please consider offering your help for the many activities we have planned for the month of April. Many hands make light work.

There have been no offers to purchase the pipe organ.

David Perry will be replacing three outside parking lights using a man-lift.

The next session meeting is scheduled for Tuesday March 19, 2018 at 6:30.

Congregational members are welcome to attend session meetings.

Session minutes are available for viewing in the church office.

The meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm

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