Cahaba Springs members and friends...
You're invited to study and worship with us on Sunday, April 7 as we observe the fifth Sunday in Lent. Bible Study is at 9:30 and worship begins at 11. This week's service will be led by liturgist Rosemary Holcomb and Pastor James D. McLeod. Dr. McLeod's sermon title is In the Valley of Dry Bones, based on Ezekiel 37 and John 11. Julie Helmers and Carl Martin will present our anthem, Balm in Gilead. Our covered dish fellowship luncheon begins immediately after worship.
Please plan to join us throughout the week. Our Prayer Group meets each Monday; the XYZs meet for lunch Tuesday, April 9, 11:30 at Sherry's Cafe; on Wednesday Mayor Buddy Choat presents an update on "What's Happening in Trussville." We will provide light refreshments following his talk. Thursdays Together and Chordmakers complete our weekly activities. Please refer to our web site, or our bulletin insert for a list of our Holy Week activities.
The peace of Christ be with you!