Cahaba Springs members and friends, join us in person or online Sunday, December 18 at 11, the fourth Sunday in Advent for worship led by liturgist George Fritsma and pastor deNay Kirkpatrick, whose sermon title is "Faith or Fear." Jerry Ann Krayer and Karen O'Brien light the candle of love. Our instrumental anthem is "Once in Royal David's City." Mark your calendars...
Friday, December 16 we travel to the Presbyterian Home for Children in Talladega to help sort Thrift Store clothing and other contributions in support of the "Christmas Rush." We will leave from the church at 8:30 AM and return at ~3:30 PM. Contact George Fritsma at 205-821-5641.
Saturday, December 24 at 12 noon: Christmas Eve Worship.
Sunday, December 25 at 11 AM: Christmas Day Worship.
Click here for our worship bulletin, prayer list, and coming events: CSPC-Bulletin-12-18-22. Come Home to Cahaba!