Join us this Sunday, September 29 for Bible study at 9:30 and worship at 11. Our service is led by liturgist John Holcomb and our Pastor, Dr. James D. McLeod. Dr. McLeod's sermon title is Rich Man, Poor Man, based on Psalm 146 and Luke 16:19-31. Our Chancel Choir provides the anthem, Give Me Jesus (with Steal Away to Jesus).
This the fifth Sunday, so please bring your donations for our mission partner, 3 Hots and a Cot. Bring paper goods and fully-leaded coffee (no decaf, please).
There are many events coming up in October; here are a couple that are of special interest.
Each Tuesday at 1:00 pm, beginning October 1, Mary Lynne Robbins will lead a Yoga (Qi Gong) class. All movements are performed in a standing position, so no mat is needed. Comfortable clothing and shoes are recommended, but the exercises can be done barefoot. There is no charge for the class, but registration is limited to twelve, so please contact the church office if you are interested.
On Sunday, October 13 at 6:30 pm Cahaba Springs will host An Evening With Doug Jones. Doug will be speaking about his book Bending Toward Justice: The Birmingham Church Bombing that Changed the Course of Civil Rights. There will be a book signing following the presentation.
Note: there will be no Wednesday night supper or Bible study on October 2. Also, Thursday's Together is cancelled for October 3.
Remember to join the Chordmakers each Friday at 5:30 for a covered dish dinner followed by an evening of music featuring gospel tunes, bluegrass, and pops. We look forward to seeing you there.
The peace of Christ be with you!