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George Fritsma

The First Sunday in Advent

Cahaba Springs members and friends, we celebrate the First Sunday in Advent, tomorrow, November 29, 2020 at 11. Our leaders are John Holcomb, liturgist, and Rev. Dr. James D. [Jamie] McLeod, preaching. Joe Carter provides our musical offerings and Cindy Brackenberry and David Perry light the Candle of Hope. Click here for Sunday's worship bulletin: Bulletin-11-29-20.pdf.

Please consider a special contribution for "Lift Up," our pastoral discretion fund for members in need. In addition, a second fund is available to enable a Congregational Care committee member to provide food for those in need during illness, hospitalization, or after a death. To contribute to the pastoral fund, please indicate "Lift Up" on your check. To contribute to the food fund, indicate "Congregational Care Illness-Bereavement." Thank you for meeting these critical needs in this holiday season.

Mark your calendar for Sunday, December 6, as we present the Music of Advent and Christmas. Click here for a flyer that describes the details: Advent-Music-Flyer-11-23.pdf.

Cahaba offers many opportunities for fellowship, service, and study. Click here for Pastor Jamie's Zoom link. Our updated Nov-Dec schedule of events and poinsettia order form appears here: CSPC-Announcements-11-29-20.pdf. The schedule contains some important changes made since our Tuesday, November 24 ChurchCast.

We wish you the peace of our Lord in this holiday season.

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