Cahaba Springs members and friends, we celebrate the First Sunday in Advent, tomorrow, November 29, 2020 at 11. Our leaders are John Holcomb, liturgist, and Rev. Dr. James D. [Jamie] McLeod, preaching. Joe Carter provides our musical offerings and Cindy Brackenberry and David Perry light the Candle of Hope. Click here for Sunday's worship bulletin: Bulletin-11-29-20.pdf.
Please consider a special contribution for "Lift Up," our pastoral discretion fund for members in need. In addition, a second fund is available to enable a Congregational Care committee member to provide food for those in need during illness, hospitalization, or after a death. To contribute to the pastoral fund, please indicate "Lift Up" on your check. To contribute to the food fund, indicate "Congregational Care Illness-Bereavement." Thank you for meeting these critical needs in this holiday season.
Mark your calendar for Sunday, December 6, as we present the Music of Advent and Christmas. Click here for a flyer that describes the details: Advent-Music-Flyer-11-23.pdf.
Cahaba offers many opportunities for fellowship, service, and study. Click here for Pastor Jamie's Zoom link. Our updated Nov-Dec schedule of events and poinsettia order form appears here: CSPC-Announcements-11-29-20.pdf. The schedule contains some important changes made since our Tuesday, November 24 ChurchCast.
We wish you the peace of our Lord in this holiday season.