Cahaba Springs members, friends, and virtual friends, tonight's inspirational Bible study, led by Dr. James D. McLeod, examines chapter 1 of the Epistle of Paul to the Romans and is conducted via Zoom [click or tap] every Wednesday, 6–7 PM CDT. We look forward to "Zooming" with you. This Sunday, June 28, we return to 11 AM congregational worship while observing Covid safety precautions. our liturgist is elder Jennifer Smith, and Dr. McLeod's message is entitled Grand Reopening. Kay and Joe Carter provide our musical offering. Worship is live-streamed at 11 via YouTube and a recording appears on our Facebook page shortly after worship.
Our office is open on the usual schedule. Feel free to visit the Cahaba Lilly and Genesis Galleries, which feature paintings by our own Mary Lynne Robbins, Laura Reichert and Margaret Fritsma.
The peace of the Lord be with you.