Friends, join us Sunday, August 4 for Bible study at 9 with worship and Holy Communion at 10. This week's worship is led by liturgist David Perry and our Pastor, Dr. James D. McLeod. Dr. McLeod's sermon title is No Man is an Island based on Psalm 107 and Matthew 6. Click or tap the citations if you'd like to read these passages in advance. Our Chancel Choir provides the anthem, For Where Love is, There is God.
Our "First Tuesday Dine Out" Group meets Tuesday, August 6 at 6 at Frontera Grill in Trussville.
The Presbyterian Home for Children Work Day is Friday, August 9. We will meet in the parking lot behind Jim ‘N Nicks at 7, have breakfast at Jacks, arrive at the home at 8:30; plan to leave around 3. Please let George Fritsma know if you are able to participate.
There are many additional opportunities for study, fellowship, and service in August and September, Please access our calendar of events by clicking or tapping here: CSPC-Announcement-8-4-19.pdf
The peace of Christ be with you!