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George Fritsma

Light of the World

Cahaba Springs members and friends, remember February is our Love Thy Neighbor Food Drive month. Each offering this month will include your donated non-perishable items for TEAM. Also, the Over the Mountain Festivals present, "What Wondrous Love" this Sunday at 4 at the Riverchase United Methodist Church, 1953 Old Montgomery Highway. The 100-voice chorus includes our own Rosemary and John Holcomb, Carl Martin, and George Fritsma. The concert features an art exhibit showing the work of Laura Reichert, Laurie Nabors, Ellen Justice and Margaret Fritsma. Alternatively, you may wish to help with the youth group's Backpack Buddy program at 5:30. On Tuesday there is no Qi Gong activity but be sure to join the XYZs at 11:30 for our monthly potluck, featuring the Red Mountain Theater Company Seasoned Performers. Our customary Wednesday activities include dinner at 5:30, Bible study at 6, and choir rehearsal at 7. Thursdays Together meets 10–11:30 and Chordmakers meets on Friday at 5:30.

But first, join us this Sunday, February 9 for Bible study at 9:30 and worship at 11 led by liturgist Lynda McLean and Pastor James D. McLeod. Dr. McLeod's sermon title is "We are the Light of the World," based on Isaiah 58 and Matthew 5. Our Chancel Choir will offer the anthem, My Shepherd.

Visit our web site for additional worship, study, fellowship, and service opportunities. The peace of Christ be with you.

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