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George Fritsma

God's Love Letter to the World

Cahaba Springs members and friends, join us this Sunday, June 13 at 11 for worship led by Rev. Dr. Sue Westfall and liturgist Cindy Brackenbury. Joe and Kay Carter provide our instrumental anthem, "The King of Love My Shepherd Is." Click here for our order of worship and prayer list: Bulletin-6-13-21. Click here for our June calendar: Announcements-6-13-21.

Here are our special events this week:

• Friday, 6/11, 7:45 AM: PHFC Workday. We meet in the Home Depot parking lot near Jim ‘N Nicks and head from there to the Home, planning to arrive around 8:30, back home by 3. Please confirm your availability with George Fritsma. • Friday, 6/11, 5:30: "Chordmakers" returns to the Fellowship Hall. Join us for good food, fun, and live music. Please bring a covered dish; coffee and tea will be provided. Masks requested if you have not been fully vaccinated. • Saturday, 6/12, 10–12: Knit Wits return to the “Ladies’ Room.” Please join us for a planning meeting to discuss what we would like to accomplish in the coming months.

• Sunday, 6/13 immediately worship: Covered dish luncheon in the Fellowship Hall. Please bring a side, salad, or dessert; meat will be provided. Come home to Cahaba!

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