Cahaba Springs members and friends, join us in person or online for worship on Sunday, July 16 at 11 led by liturgist Karen O'Brien and pastor deNay Kirkpatrick. Our instrumental anthem is "Give Me Jesus."
Click here for our worship bulletin, prayer list, and coming events: CSPC-Bulletin-7-16-23.
A note from Pastor deNay:
Greetings Cahaba Springs Family! This Sunday we will be studying the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 13:1-9, 18-23, the Parables of the Sowers. Any of you who garden will appreciate what Jesus has to say about sowing seed. I hope you can join us online or in person Sunday at 11:00 am as we discuss growing God’s garden. In addition to our worship service, join us for our intergenerational Church School class which is discussing The Way Back to Mayberry, Lessons From a Simpler Time. This class meets at 9:30 in Harmony Hall and is open to all ages. We have a lot happening here at Cahaba and I encourage all of you to get involved. On Saturday, July 29th, we will hold an intergenerational Vacation Bible School from 1–5, followed by a potluck supper. The theme for VBS is Soul Food. We will be studying the importance of food and how some people have difficulty obtaining affordable, healthy food. Sunday, July 30th is Rally Day. We’ll start the day off with breakfast in Harmony Hall where you will have a chance to hear about our wonderful programming for adults, youth, and children that will be starting with the new school year. During worship, we will have a chance for everyone to come forward and receive a blessing for their backpack, briefcase, lunch box, or themselves. We will also be blessing backpacks that have been stuffed with school supplies by PW for the Presbyterian Home for Children and backpacks that will be distributed to local schools for children in need. Please see the list of needed supplies for the backpacks and bring them to the church by Sunday, July 23: Backpack-Supply-List-PHFC-2023. If you are unable to shop, monetary donations will be appreciated to offset the cost of the backpacks. Remember, I am in the office Tuesdays through Thursdays. Please feel free to stop by and say hello, or schedule a time to chat. Peace, deNay