Cahaba Springs members and friends, join us Sunday, March 7 for in-person worship and Holy Communion at 11, live-streamed on YouTube at 11, or recorded on Facebook after 2. Sunday's liturgist is David Perry and our pastor is Rev. Jeff Hayes. Joe and Kay Carter provide vocal and instrumental offerings.
Click here for our bulletin and prayer list: Bulletin-3-7-21.
Click here for our March calendar and COVID vaccine contacts: Announcements-3-7-21.
If you are worshiping at home and wish to respond to the Word with your tithes, go to to click our online contribution portal.
Cahaba Springs hosts “Around the Block: A Show about Quilts” through March in the Cahaba Lily Gallery. The show includes the work of 17 quilters and visual artists who use quilting as their subject.
The Genesis Gallery displays "All Creatures Great and Small," featuring the Trussville Photography Club. Like the quilt show, this show continues through March.
You can visit both galleries on Sun, 9:30–12, Mon–Tues, 9–4, Wed–Thu, 9–11:30, Fri, Sat and evenings by appointment. Email Laura Reichert at
We are a welcoming church. Come home to Cahaba!