Cahaba Springs members and friends,
Please join us on Sunday May 12 for Bible study at 9:30 and worship at 11. This week's worship will be led by liturgist George Fritsma and our pastor, the Rev. Dr. James D. McLeod, Jr. Dr. McLeod's sermon title is Every Tear from Their Eyes, based on Psalm 23 and Revelation 7:9-17; the chancel choir will present Take Now My Voice as this week's anthem.
Please plan to join us throughout the week as well. Our Prayer Group meets each Monday; on Wednesdays we have dinner, Bible study and choir rehearsal; and Thursdays Together and Chordmakers complete our weekly activities. Please consult your bulletin insert or our web site, CSPChurch.org, for more information.
Happy to hear new good friends, who came to our Plant Sale, came to our Church last Sunday. They said they felt very welcomed and would be back.